Based on the adult manga by Midori no Ruupe. This story speaks of two main characters, they are brother and sister. However, there is nothing to worry simply because this […]
Based on the adult manga by Midori no Ruupe. This story speaks of two main characters, they are brother and sister. However, there is nothing to worry simply because this […]
A long time ago, a girl named Hanako Hasegawa committed suicide by jumping from the roof of the school. And her Ghost still roams the corridors of the school… […]
A long time ago, a girl named Hanako Hasegawa committed suicide by jumping from the roof of the school. And her Ghost still roams the corridors of the school… […]
A long time ago, a girl named Hanako Hasegawa committed suicide by jumping from the roof of the school. And her Ghost still roams the corridors of the school… […]
A long time ago, a girl named Hanako Hasegawa committed suicide by jumping from the roof of the school. And her Ghost still roams the corridors of the school… […]